Horizon 2020: PERSEUS (Promoting Excellence & Recognition Seal of European Aerospace UniversitieS) |
INCAS is part of the PERSEUS project (Promoting Excellence & Recognition Seal of European Aerospace UniversitieS) within the framework of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Launched in December 2014 and running for two years, PERSEUS aims at firstly defining the evolving skill needs of the European aviation sector and subsequently at formulating strategic recommendations and corrective measures for the improvement and harmonization of the content of the curricula for aviation engineers towards the ultimate creation of an integrated European aviation education system, based on sound quality criteria capable of supporting the continuous improvement of the educational system in the sector. Concurrently, this project aims at developing suitable actions and mechanisms to motivate and encourage the next generation of Europeans to get interested in Aeronautics and thus follow scientific and technical studies and careers in the Aeronautics and Air Transport research and industry. For further information, please visit the project’s official website: http://www.perseus-aerospace.eu |
Horizon 2020: RoRCraft - RotorCraft Fuselage Manufacturing for LifeRCraft Demonstrator |
UEFISCDI Program: Rewarding participation in Horizon 2020
Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking: CS2 –FRC-GAM -2014-2015-01 Acronym Project: RoRCraft Project duration (months): 66 months Starting date project: July 1, 2015 Ending date project: December 31, 2020 For further information, please visit the Clean Sky 2 project’s official website: http://www.cleansky.eu/fast-rotorcraft For further information, please visit the PN-III-3.6-H2020-2016-0033 project’s official website: http://www.incas.ro/images/stories/Programe_Proiecte_Internationale/rorcraft/index.html Authorized Representative from INCAS Cluster - Romania: National Institute for Aerospace Research “ELIE CARAFOLI” - INCAS, Bucharest, (Partner 4): Dr. ing. Cătălin NAE |
Horizon 2020: Clean Sky2- Fast Rotorcraft IADP- “Rotorcraft Fast and Cost Effective” (RACER - FRC WP2) -RoRCraft- RotorCraft Fuselage Manufacturing for RACER Demonstrator |
UEFISCDI Program: Rewarding participation in Horizon 2020
Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking: FRC GAM 2020-2021-955542 Acronym Project: FRC-IADP- RoRCraft Project duration (months): 11 months Starting date project: February 10, 2021 Ending date project: December 31, 2021 For further information, please visit the Clean Sky 2 project’s official website: http://www.cleansky.eu/fast-rotorcraft For further information, please visit the PN-III-3.6-H2020-2016-0033 project’s official website: http://www.incas.ro/images/stories/Programe_Proiecte_Internationale/FRC-IADP-RoRCraft/index.html Authorized Representative from INCAS Cluster - Romania: National Institute for Aerospace Research “ELIE CARAFOLI” - INCAS, Bucharest, (Partner 4): Dr. ing. Cătălin NAE |
Horizon 2020: Full Scale Innovative Integrated Tooling for Composite Material Wing Box |
Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking: Grant Agreement number: 831985 — FITCoW — H2020-CS2-CFP08-2018-01 Acronym Project: FITCoW Starting date project: February 1, 2019 Ending date project: September 30, 2020 Authorized Representative from the coordinator - National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” - INCAS Bucharest: Eng. Cesar BANU For further information, please visit the project’s official website: https://fitcow-project.eu/ |
Horizon 2020: Digital method for imprOved Manufacturing of next-generation MultIfuNctIOnal airframe parts |
Program UEFISCDI: Rewarding participation in Horizon 2020 Nr. contract de finantare: 56 din 09/08/2021
Acronimul proiectului: DOMMINIO Durata proiectului (luni): 5 luni Data de inceput a proiectului: 09/08/2021 Data de sfarsit a proiectului: 31/12/2021 Manager de proiect (Institutul National de Cercetare Aerospatiala "Elie Carafoli" - INCAS, Bucuresti): Ing. Cesar BANU Pentru informatii vizitati website-ul: http://www.incas.ro/images/stories/Programe_Proiecte_Internationale/DOMMINIO/index.html Pentru mai multe informatii, vizitati website-ul oficial al proiectului: https://www.domminioproject.eu |
Horizon 2020: Compozite termorigide epoxidice prototipate cu jet de cerneala reactiva/ Reactive Inkjet Printing of Epoxy Thermoset Composites |
PN III: Cooperare europeana si internationala – subprogram 3.2. Orizont 2020 M-ERA.NET Call 2019/ H2020 Acronym Project: RIPE4TEC Authorized Representative from the coordinator - National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” - INCAS Bucharest: Dr. fiz. Adriana STEFAN For further information, please visit the PN III: Cooperare europeana si internationala – subprogram 3.2. Orizont 2020 M-ERA.NET Call 2019/ H2020 project’s website: https://www.incas.ro/images/stories/Programe_Proiecte_Internationale/ripe4tec/index.html For further information, please visit the project’s official website: https://www.ripe4tec.com/ |