INCAS new website
17 - 18 October 2024, Bucharest, Romania
Premiul "Nicolae TIPEI"
Premiul “Gheorghe VASILCA”
Conference will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
10th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, “NMAS 2024”
will not be organized this year.
We will announce the participation conditions in due time, to allow participation in the following editions.
It is estimated that the next edition will take place no earlier than May 2025.
19 - 20 October, 2023, Bucharest, Romania
Conference will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
Eveniment ”UAM pentru București - Smart City”

INCAS – Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospațială “Elie Carafoli” împreună cu Primăria Municipiului București, Prefectura Municipiului București, Asociația Culturală Petofi București și Fundația Progres prin Educație vă invită să participați la evenimentul “UAM pentru București – Smart City”, care va avea loc pe data de 21 septembrie 2023, la Casa de Cultură” Petőfi Sándor” din București.
10 - 11 May 2023, Bucharest, Romania
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
Hybrid Conference
International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2022"
13 - 14 October 2022, Bucharest, Romania
Conference will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
25 - 26 May 2022, Bucharest, Romania
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
Virtual Conference
The 39th “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications
28 - 29 October, 2021, Bucharest, Romania
Conference will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6

Eveniment aniversar ”Rafala 10.000 în Tunelul Supersonic INCAS”
Evenimentul va avea loc vineri, 24 septembrie 2021, începând cu ora 12, la sediul INCAS, B-dul. Iuliu Maniu nr. 220, sector 6, București.
Press Release
INCAS - Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare “Elie Carafoli” organizează împreună cu Statul Major al Forțelor Aeriene, prin UM01838 Boboc,
evenimentul aniversar “35 de ani de la primul zbor al avionului IAR 99 Șoim”,
pe data de 18 iunie 2021, la Baza aeriană de antrenament Boboc, județul Buzău, începând cu ora 9:45.
Press Release
The event marks the completion of manufacturing of the European Racer Demonstrator's central fuselage
made in Romania, by the RoRCraft Consortium
within the Clean Sky 2 - Fast RotorCraft IADP- RACER program
March 15th, 2021, starting 12:00,
Headquarters of ROMAERO SA (44, Ficusului Blvd. Bucharest)

#AeroDays2020 Berlin, 24-26 November: Register now!
We are very glad to announce that registrations to the #AeroDays2020 are open! This year, the #AeroDays2020 will be taking place in a format adapted to the current COVID-19 situation with an on-site-program for speakers and guests on the stage of the Meistersaal in Berlin along with an online-service via streaming platform for virtual participants. Two technical events – the Berlin Aviation Summit (24th of November) and the FORUM (25th and 26th of November) – form the core parts of #AeroDays2020 in Germany.
Register here:
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