Home News Clean Sky 2 Info Day in Bucharest
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Clean Sky 2 Info Day in Bucharest

 5 March 2014 

Venue: INCAS, B-dul. Iuliu Maniu no.220, sector 6, Bucharest


The Clean Sky 2 Info Day in Bucharest will be held on 5 March 2014. The event is organized by CS2 JU executive team with support of the Ministry of National Education and the National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli"  INCAS. This event is the opportunity for potential participants to express their interest and interact with the candidate Leaders of Clean Sky 2.

Venue: INCAS, B-dul. Iuliu Maniu no.220, sector 6, Bucharest http://www.incas.ro/

Date: 5 March 2014 - 9:00-17.00

The event will feature speakers from the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking and the Ministry of National Education, as well as numerous opportunities to network with industrial and academic researchers engaging with the Clean Sky 2 Programme. More information about JTI Clean Sky you can find on the following website: http://www.cleansky.eu 


Reasons to attend:

  • Participants will obtain basic information about the proposed Clean Sky 2 Programme and Horizon 2020
  • Participants will get specific information about Fast Rotorcraft IADP, Engines ITD and Airframe ITD
  • Possibility to raise specific questions
  • Opportunity to attend B2B meetings with CS2 representatives (especially for parties interested in applying for Core-Partner roles)
  • Wide networking opportunities



Click here to download your registration form.

To register, please complete your registration from above link and return it to
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If you wish to have a B2B meeting with a Leader in the afternoon, you should specify in registration form which Leader you wish to meet.



Those considering participation as potential core partners are kindly asked to complete a Core-Partner template in order to have the opportunity to meet the CS2 Leaders during the B2B Meetings planned during this CS2 Info Day. The template shall be filled in and submitted to CS2 according to instructions in the template.



The Draft Agenda is available HERE .



Participants are responsible for the arrangement and payment of their own travel and accommodation.

Recommended hotels in the city centre:

RAMADA MAJESTIC Hotel, http://www.majestic.ro/  (Universitate Metro Station on blue line)

Hotel NOVOTEL Bucharest City Centre, http://www.novotel.com/gb/hotel-5558-novotel-bucharest-city-centre/index.shtml  (Universitate Metro Station on blue line) 

Hotel HOROSCOPE http://www.hotel-horoscop.ro/english/index_en.html (Piata Unirii Metro Station on red line)

JW MARRIOTT GRAND Hotel http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/buhro-jw-marriott-bucharest-grand-hotel/ 


Last Updated on Monday, 03 March 2014 14:17  

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