The articles that are accepted will be recorded on a CD (Electronic Conference Proceedings: ISSN 2247–0131, ISSN-L 2067-4414) and included in a volume (Printed Conference Proceedings - Proceedings of the XXXVth “Caius Iacob” National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications, 2013, November 14 – 15, Bucharest, ISSN 2067-4414, ISSN- L 2067–4414).
The page setup shall be as follows: top-2 cm, bottom-2 cm, left-2 cm, right-2 cm, header-1.27 cm, footer-1.27 cm, A4 format. The papers should not exceed 12 pages, font Times New Roman 11, single spacing, without diacritics, without page numbering.
Works language: English
Proceedings electronic and printed version will include only the items presented at the conference and having a favourable review.
The articles included on the CD are the extended version of the conference papers and there are no restrictions on format or number of pages.
A selection (made by Scientific Committee of Conference) of conference papers will be included in a Special Issue of INCAS BULLETIN ((online) ISSN 2247–4528, (print) ISSN 2066–8201, ISSN–L 2066–8201, DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201. Journal is Open Acces and BDI indexed) dedicated to the conference.
The authors whose works will be included in Proceedings (CD and volume) are asked to respect the deadlines provided.