Scanning electron microscope JEOL JXA-50A
- Accelerating voltage: 0:50Kv (work voltage: 20 – 25kv)
- SEI Amplifier (<50kv) – Secondary electrons detector: a scintillator and a photomultiplier tube are used with a secondary electron collecting electrode
- Magnification: x20 to x100.000
- Scanning area: max 6.0 mmx4.5 mm, min 0.86 µ x 0.64 µ
- Upgrade: digital Acquisition System: Orion Frame Grabber System and Graphic Tools (ORION 6)
- Holder: 30 mm Ø
- Electron source: wolfram resistance
- Space resolution: less than 0.1 µm (the space resolution depends on dimension of the spot which depend on wavelength of electron and electron-optical system).
Fig. 1. Composition of the C-Al layer
Fig 2. Composition of the Nimonic/NiCrAlY/ZrO2Y2O3 protection system tested at thermal shock, T = 1100ºC (x226)
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