Optical microscope NEOPHOT 21
- Field glass: 12.5*/14mm;
- Magnification field glass: x12, 5;
- Magnification lens: x8, x10, x12, 5, x16, x20 ;
- Data capture system: digital photo camera and image analysis software
Delta AbrasiMet Manual Chop Cutter Buehler

- Motor power: 4,0 HP (2,9 KW);
- Abrasive blades diameter:: F 254 mm;
- Cutting depth: 75 mm;
- Double vice operated by cams.
SimpliMet 1000 Automatic Mounting Press

- Electric and hydraulic operating
- Central or individually applied pressure on each specimen;
- Capacity- central up to 6 specimens, individual: 1÷ 4 specimens
Beta Grinder Polisher & Vector power head

- Electro- hydraulic system
- Operating pressure: 80 ÷ 300 bar;
- Polishing operating temperature: 1500 C÷1800 C.