The quick thermal sock test installation QTS 2 concieved and achieved by INCAS complete the Euroopean network infrastructure in fulfilling a niche in the materials evaluation.
The mains characteristics of QTS2 installation
- Variable speed heating depending on the structure and chemical composition of specimen materials and constructive solution of the test installation
- Maximum cooling rate 70 ° C / s
- Precise positioning of the specimen in heating and cooling zone
- Specimen dimensions : 1.5÷2.5 x 30 x 50 mm
- Measurement temperature of specimen with quick response time radiation pyrometers
- Vertical cylindrical furnace with Super Kanthal type resistances
- Lab View data acquisition system
- Ensure the reproduction of extreme functional conditions of industrial parts
Cycle of quick thermal shock test for a TBC specimen (Nimonic 90 /MeCrAlY/ZrO2Y2O3 Al2O3)
tested at a temperature of 1100°C on QTS2-INCAS installation

- Block-on-ring tribological facilities
- Hydrodynamic journal bearings pivoted- type
- Thermal treatment and laminating press facilities
- Optical microscopy and sample preparation
- Electronic microscopy
- Bursa Escort