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FP7: CAPPADOCIA – Coordination Action Pro "Production, Avionics, Design" on Cost-efficiency in Aeronautics

CAPPADOCIA – Coordination Action Pro "Production, Avionics, Design" on Cost-efficiency in Aeronautics – is a Coordination and Support Action FP7 project, that started on the 1st of October 2013, having a duration of 48 months.

The CAPPADOCIA consortium, composed by ten partners, gathers all the competences and roles necessary for the success of the CAPPADOCIA project.

CAPPADOCIA aims at assessing on the one hand past, on-going and future EC-funded projects focused on cost efficiency and on the other hand, identifying gaps and bottlenecks within the targeted research landscape, accordingly with the objectives set up in the call addressed. Both activities will lead to the edition of yearly strategic recommendations reports that could be easily used by research policy makers as well as the preparation of future EC work programme.

The CAPPADOCIA results will be disseminated and discussed in various workshops, airshows, international conferences and other relevant events.

For more information about the project, please visit the project’s website: http://cappadocia-fp7.eu/




FP7: BEAWARE - Bridging EAst West for Aerospace Research


The BEAWARE project has set an objective to support potential coordinators and potential partners from Eastern European countries while identifying future R&D project opportunities in the field of Aeronautics and Air Transport within the frame of Horizon 2020.

The BEAWARE consortium lead by innovation bureau Invent Baltics, connects leading aerospace clusters (Aerospace Valley, Farnborough Aerospace Consortium, Hamburg Aviation, Helice, Moravian Aerospace Cluster and Pôle Pégase), regional associations and agencies (Association of Polish Aviation Industry, Agency for the Promotion of European Research) and aerospace strongholds (National Institute for Aerospace Research, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Zilinska University).

For more information, please visit: http://beaware-aero.eu/




Proiect FP 7: AFLoNext - Active Flow- Loads & Noise control on next generation wing


Grant agreement no: Call ID „FP7-AAT-2013-RTD-1”- Project number 604013
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului FP 7: http://www.aflonext.eu/
Program Capacitati: Ctr. 257 EU/ AFLoNext
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului: http://www.incas.ro/images/stories/Programe_Proiecte_Internationale/aflonext/index.html

Responsabil din partea partenerului roman:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospatiala „Elie Carafoli” – I.N.C.A.S. Bucuresti (Partener 25): Dr. Ing. Catalin NAE



Proiect FP 7HAIC - High Altitude Ice Crystals


Grant agreement: Call ID „FP7-AAT-2012-RTD-1”- No. 314314
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului FP 7: http://www.haic.eu
Program Capacitati: Ctr. 219 EU/18-07-2013
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului: http://www.incas.ro/images/stories/Programe_Proiecte_Internationale/haic/index.html
Responsabil din partea partenerului roman:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospatiala „Elie Carafoli” – I.N.C.A.S. Bucuresti (Partener 21): Dr.  Ing. Catalin NAE



Proiect FP 7: ESPOSA - Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small Aircraft


Grant agreement: FP7 – AAT -2011 -RTD -1 / No 284859 – ESPOSA
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului FP 7: www.ESPOSA-PROJECT.EU
Program Capacitati: Ctr. 204 EU/25.06.2013
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului: http://www.incas.ro/images/stories/Programe_Proiecte_Internationale/esposa/index.html
Responsabil din partea partenerului roman:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospatiala „Elie Carafoli” – I.N.C.A.S. Bucuresti: Dr.  Ing. Catalin NAE



Proiect FP 7: ATLLAS II - Aero-Thermodynamic Loads on Lightweight Advanced Structures II


Grant agreement: Call ID „FP7-AAT-2010-RTD-1”-  No. 263913
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului FP 7: https://propulsion.estec.esa.int/atllas2/
Pentru partenerii de proiect, accesul este cu parola: https://propulsion.estec.esa.int/projects/atllas2/documents/index.html
Program Capacitati: Ctr. 245 EU/ 2013 ATLLAS II
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului: http://www.incas.ro/images/stories/Programe_Proiecte_Internationale/atllas/index.html
Responsabil din partea partenerului roman:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospatiala „Elie Carafoli” – I.N.C.A.S. Bucuresti (Partener 14): Dr. Ing. Catalin NAE



  Proiect: SFWA - SMART FIXED WING AIRCRAFT  ITD,   Intreprindere comuna CLEAN SKY.

home_0_00_01Programul UEFISCDI: Cofinantarea Participarii Romaniei la activitatile Intreprinderilor Comune Clean Sky

Program Intreprindere comuna Clean Sky: Ctr. JTI-01/2010

Acronimul proiectului: SFWA

Durata proiectului (luni): 103
Data de începere a proiectului (luna/an): 1 Iunie 2008
Data de finalizare a proiectului (luna/an): 31 december 2017
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului FP 7: http://www.cleansky.eu/content/page/sfwa-smart-fixed-wing-aircraft
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului: http://www.incas.ro/images/stories/Programe_Proiecte_Internationale/sfwa/index.html
Responsabil din partea Cluster INCAS - Romania
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospatiala „Elie Carafoli” – I.N.C.A.S. Bucuresti, (Partener 30): Dr. eng. Catalin NAE

a.1 La ITD SFWA - Smart Fixed Wing AIRCRAFT, din Romania participa in calitate de asociat in consortiu format din doua institute de cercetare: INCAS si STRAERO si doi agenti industriali: ROMAERO si Avioane Craiova. Acest consortiu afost selectat ca membru fondator la CLEAN SKY JU, in calitate de partener asociat si participa la Demonstrator Technologic Integrat (DTI) pe toata durata CLEAN SKY.



The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking (the”JU”), represented by the Interim Executive Director, Liam Breslin, or his duly authorised representative,

of the one part,

and Airbus S.A.S. (national registration number: 383474814) established in 1, rond-point Maurice Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac, France, represented by Dr. Patrick Gavin, Executive Vice President, Head of Engineering, or his authorised representative, the beneficiary acting as coordinator of the consortium (the “coordinator”), (“beneficiary no. 1”),

of the other part

HAVE AGREED to the following terms and conditions including those in the following annexes, wich form an integral part of this grant agreement (the “grant agreement”).

The coordinator shall endeavour to ensure that each legal entity identified below accedes to this grant agreement as a beneficiary (where a beneficiary is part of a cluster this should be clearly indicated), assuming the rights and obligations established by the grant agreement with effect from the date on which the grant agreement enters into force, by signing FormA in three originals, countersigned by the coordinator.

  • Airbus France S.A.S., (national registration number: 393341532), Toulouse, France (“beneficiary no. 2”),
  • AirbusDeutschland GmbH, (national registration number: HBR 43257), Hamburg, Germany (“beneficiary no. 3”),
  • Airbus UK Limited, (national registration number: 03468788), Bristol, United Kingdom, (“beneficiary no. 4”),
  • Airbus España S.L., (national registration number: HOJA M279526), Getafe, Spain, (“beneficiary no. 5”),
  • SAAB A.B., (national registration number: 556036-0793), Linköping, Sweden, (“beneficiary no. 6”),
  • Dassault Aviation S.A., (national registration number: 712042456), Paris, France (“beneficiary no. 7”),
  • EADS – Construcciones Aeronauticas S.A. (CASA) Sociedad Unipersonal, Madrid, Spain (“beneficiary no. 8”),
  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V., München, Germany (“beneficiary no. 9”),
  • Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH, Lindenberg, Germany (“beneficiary no. 10”),
  • Rolls-Royce plc, (national registration number: 01003142), London, United Kingdom, (“beneficiary no. 11”),
  • Safran, (national registration number: B562082909), Paris, France (“beneficiary no. 12”),
  • Aircelle, (national registration number: 352 050 512), Gonfreville l’Orcher, France (“beneficiary no. 13”),
  • Messier-Dowty Ltd., (national registration number: 3548809), Gloucester, United Kingdom, (“beneficiary no. 14”),
  • Snecma, (national registration number: 414815217), Paris, France (“beneficiary no. 15”),
  • Sagem Défense Sécurité, (national registration number: 480107911), Paris, France (“beneficiary no. 16”),
  • Thales Avionics S.A. Défense Sécurité, (national registration number: 612039495), Neuilly-sur_Seine, France (“beneficiary no. 17”),
  • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt E.V. (DLR), (national registration number: VR2780), Köln, Germany (“beneficiary no. 18”),
  • ONERA – Office National d’Etudes et de Recherhes Aérospatiales, (national registration number: 775722879), Chatllon, France (“beneficiary no. 19”),
  • RUAG Aerospace, (national registration number: CH10030217617), Emmen, Switzerland (“beneficiary no. 20”),
  • Stork Fokker AESP B.V., (national registration number: 23088399), member of the Duth cluster, Papendrecht, The Netherlands (“beneficiary no. 21”),
  • Aircraft Development and Systems Engineering (ADSE) B.V., (national registration number: 34116438), member of the Duth cluster, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands (“beneficiary no. 22”,
  • Airborne Composites B.V., (national registration number: 27285141), member of the Duth cluster, The Hague, The Netherlands (“beneficiary no. 23”),
  • Axxiflex Turbine Tools B.V., (national registration number: 18051008), member of the Duth cluster, Rijen NB, The Netherlands (“beneficiary no. 24”),
  • Microflown Technologies B.V., (national registration number: 28077207), member of the Duth cluster, Zevenaar, The Netherlands (“beneficiary no. 25”),
  • Fokker Elmo B.V., (national registration number: 20084205), member of the Duth cluster, Hoogerheide, The Netherlands (“beneficiary no. 26”),
  • Stichtung Nationaal Luchy-en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NLR), (national registration number: 41150373), member of the Duth cluster, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (“beneficiary no. 27”),
  • Technische Universiteit Delft, (national registration number: N/A), member of the Duth cluster, Delft, The Netherlands (“beneficiary no. 28”),
  • Universiteit Twente, (national registration number: N/A), Enschede, The Netherlands (“beneficiary no. 29”),
  • Institutul National de Cercetari Aerospatiale “Elie Carafoli” – INCAS, (national registration number: J40649215071991), member of the INCAS cluster, Bucharest, Romania, represented by Dr. Catalin Nae, General Manager (“beneficiary no. 30”),
  • S.C. Straero S.A., (national registration number: J/40/5793/1991), member of the INCAS cluster, Bucharest, Romania, represented by Dr. Ion Fuiorea, General Manager (“beneficiary no. 31”),
  • S.C. Avioane Craiova S.A., (national registration number: J16/1214/1991), member of the INCAS cluster, Ghercesti, Romania, represented by Ing. Valentin Bernovschi, General Manager (“beneficiary no. 32”),
  • S.C. Romaero S.A., (national registration number: J40/3940/1991), member of the INCAS cluster, Bucharest, Romania, represented by Ing. Adrian Zainescu, General Manager (“beneficiary no. 33”),
  • QinetiQ Ltd., (national registration number: 03796233), London, United Kingdom, (“beneficiary no. 314”),

The duration of the programme shall be from 1st June 2008 (herein after reffered to as the “programme start date”) until 31 december 2017.


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Proiect: GRA - GREEN REGIONAL AIRCRAFT  ITD, Intreprindere comuna CLEAN SKY.

home_0_00_01Titlul proiectului: GRA - GREEN REGIONAL AIRCRAFT ITD (Aeronave de Transport Regional Ecologice - Demonstrator Tehnologic Integrat)

Program Intreprindere comuna Clean Sky: Ctr. JTI-01/2010

Acronimul proiectului: GRA

Durata proiectului (luni): 103
Data de începere a proiectului (luna/an): 1 Iunie 2008
Data de finalizare a proiectului (luna/an): 31 december 2017

Pentru mai multe informatii despre proiect, va rugam vizitati website-ul: http://www.cleansky.eu/content/page/gra-green-regional-aircraft

Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului: http://www.incas.ro/images/stories/Programe_Proiecte_Internationale/gra/index.html

Responsabil CIRA Plus cluster: Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA, partener 26)

Responsabil din partea INCAS - Romania, membru in CIRA Plus cluster:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospatiala „Elie Carafoli” – I.N.C.A.S. Bucuresti, (Partener 29):
Dr. eng. Catalin NAE

a.2. La IDT GRA - Green Regional Aircraft participa un institut de cercetare din Romania INCAS - Institutul National de Cercetari Aerospatiale "Elie Carafoli" in cadrul consortiului CIRA PLUS. Selectia a fost facuta pe intreaga durata a CLEAN SKY.

The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking (the”JU”), represented by the Interim Executive Director, Liam Breslin, or his duly authorised representative,

of the one part,

and Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. (national registration number: 643596 established in Viale dell’ Aeronautica s.n.c. 80038 Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) Italy, represented by Mr. Nazario Cauceglia, CTOA, or his authorised representative, the beneficiary acting as coordinator of the consortium (the “coordinator”), (“beneficiary no. 1”),

of the other part

HAVE AGREED to the following terms and conditions including those in the following annexes, wich form an integral part of this grant agreement (the “grant agreement”).

The coordinator shall endeavour to ensure that each legal entity identified below accedes to this grant agreement as a beneficiary (where a beneficiary is part of a cluster this should be clearly indicated), assuming the rights and obligations established by the grant agreement with effect from the date on which the grant agreement enters into force, by signing FormA in three originals, countersigned by the coordinator.

  • Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A., (national registration number: 245850/CF04443740156), Varese, Italy (“beneficiary no. 2”),
  • Alenia S.I.A. S.p.A., (national registration number: 425902/CF00526760012), Torino, Italy (“beneficiary no. 3”),
  • Alenia Improvement S.p.A., (national registration number: 05583771216), Pomigliano d’Arco, Italy (“beneficiary no. 4”),
  • EADS – Construcciones Aeronauticas S.A. (CASA) Sociedad Unipersonal, (national registration number: M10082), Madrid, Spain (“beneficiary no. 5”),
  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V., (national registration number: VR4461), München, Germany (“beneficiary no. 6”),
  • Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse  S.A.S., (national registration number: 552016834), Toulouse, France (“beneficiary no. 7”),
  • Rolls-Royce plc, (national registration number: HRA2731P), London, United Kingdom, (“beneficiary no. 8”),
  • Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG, (national registration number: HRA2731P), Blankenfelde-Mahlow, Germany, , (“beneficiary no. 9”),
  • Safran, (national registration number: B562082909), Paris, France (“beneficiary no. 10”),
  • Hispano-Suiza, (national registration number: 692015217), Colombes, France (“beneficiary no. 11”),
  • Messier-Dowty S.A., (national registration number: 552118846), Velizy, France, (“beneficiary no. 12”),
  • Snecma, (national registration number: 414815217), Paris, France (“beneficiary no. 13”),
  • Thales Avionics S.A., (national registration number: 612039495), Neuilly-sur-Seine, France (“beneficiary no. 14”),
  • Thales Avionics Electrical Systems S.A., (national registration number: 52114175), Chatou, France (“beneficiary no. 15”),
  • Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A., (national registration number: REA 903062), member of the Air Green cluster, Rome, Italy (“beneficiary no. 16”),
  • Centro Sviluppo Materiali S.p.A. (CSM), member of the Air Green cluster, Rome, Italy (“beneficiary no. 17”),
  • Distretto Tecnologico sull’Ingegneria dei Materiali Polimerici e Compositi e Strutture S.c.a.r.l. (IMAST), (national registration number: 708331), member of the Air Green cluster, Napoli, Italy (“beneficiary no. 18”),
  • Fox Bit S.r.l., (national registration number: 04737870636), member of the Air Green cluster, Napoli, Italy (“beneficiary no. 19”),
  • Politecnico di Torino, (national registration number: DR 537-5/7/2001), member of the Air Green cluster, Torino, Italy (“beneficiary no. 20”),
  • SICAMB S.p.A., (national registration number: 02073250595), member of the Air Green cluster, Borgo Carso (Latina), Italy (“beneficiary no. 21”),
  • Università degli Studi di Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum, (national registration number: 80007010376), member of the Air Green cluster, Bologna, Italy (“beneficiary no. 22”),
  • Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II, (national registration number: 017903H4), member of the Air Green cluster, Napoli, Italy (“beneficiary no. 23”),
  • Università degli Studi di Pisa, (national registration number: 80003670504), member of the Air Green cluster, Pisa, Italy (“beneficiary no. 24”),
  • Avions de Transport Régional (GIE – Groupement d’intérêt Economique), (national registration number: 323932236), Blagnac, France (“beneficiary no. 25”),
  • Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA) S.c.p.A., (national registration number: 128446/CF04532710631), member of the Cira Plus cluster, Capua Caserta, Italy (“beneficiary no. 26”),
  • Aerosoft S.p.A., (national registration number: 06517900632), member of the Cira Plus cluster, Napoli, Italy (“beneficiary no. 27”),
  • DEMA S.p.A., (national registration number: 5150782), member of the Cira Plus cluster, Pozzuoli, Italy (“beneficiary no. 28”),
  • Institutul National de Cercetari Aerospatiale “Elie Carafoli” – INCAS, (national registration number: J40649215071991), member of the Cira Plus cluster, Bucharest, Romania, represented by Dr. Catalin Nae, General Manager (“beneficiary no. 29”),
  • ELSIS U.A.B., (national registration number: 120290722), member of the Cira Plus cluster, Vilnius, Lithuania (“beneficiary no. 30”),
  • Hellenic Aerospace Industry S.A., (national registration number: 74249), Athens, Greece (“beneficiary no. 31”),
  • ONERA – Office National d’Etudes et de Recherhes Aérospatiales, (national registration number: 775722879), Chátillon, France (“beneficiary no. 32”),

The duration of the programme shall be from 1st June 2008 (herein after reffered to as the “programme start date”) until 31 december 2017.

The duration of the project shall be from 1st June 2008 (herein after reffered to as the “project start date”) until 31 december 2017.



Proiect FP 7TheBarCode - Development of multifunctional Thermal Barrier Coatings and modelling tools for high temperature power generation with improved efficiency

Grant agreement no: 310750/10.12.2012
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului FP 7: http://www.thebarcode.eu/

Program Capacitati: Ctr. nr. 232/12.09.2013

Pentru mai multe informatii, va rugam sa accesati pagina web a proiectului: http://www.incas.ro/images/stories/Programe_Proiecte_Internationale/TheBarCode/index.html

Organizatiile partenere in proiect

  • Coordonator: Technological Educational Institute of Chalkida (TEIC). Tip institutie: Universitate. Tara: Grecia
  • Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (BIC). Tip institutie: Institut de cercetare dezvoltare. Tara: Rusia
  • Clausthal University of Technology (TUC). Tip institutie: Universitate. Tara: Germania
  • State Scientific Institute Powder Metallurgy (PMI). Tip institutie: Institut de cercetare dezvoltare. Tara: Belarus
  • Institute for Physical Research of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (IPR). Tip institutie: Institut cercetare dezvoltare. Tara: Armenia
  • SC Plasma Jet s.r.l.(PLASMA). Tip instituție: Intreprindere mică. Tara: Romania
  • Element Materials Technology (ELEMENT). Tip instituție: Institut de cercetare dezvoltare. Tara: Anglia
  • Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospatiala “Elie Carafoli” (INCAS). Tip instituție: Institut cercetare dezvoltare. Tara: Romania
  • MIRTEC SA CERECO - Ceramics&Refractories Technological Development Company (CERECO). Tip institutie: Intreprindere mica/mijlocie. Tara: Grecia
  • Numerical Mechanics Applications International S.A. (NUMECA) Tip instituție: Intreprindere mica/mijlocie. Tara: Belgia
  • Open Source Management Limited (OSM). Tip institutie: Intreprindere mica/mijlocie. Tara: Anglia
  • Aviadvigatel OAO (AVIAD). Tip institutie: Industrie. Tara: Rusia  

Technological Educational Institute of Chalkida (TEIC): Dr. Vassilis Stathopoulos
Coordonator din partea partenerului romȃn
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospatiala “Elie Carafoli” (INCAS): Dr. fiz. Adriana Stefan





Grant agreement no: 283797/1 feb.2012
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului FP 7: http://www.hydra-space.eu/  

Program Capacitati: Ctr. nr. 196/7.06.2012
Pentru mai multe informatii, va rog accesati pagina web a proiectului: http://hydra.incas.ro/

Organizatiile partenere in proiect

Coordonator:  FUNDACIÓN TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION Tip institutie: C&D Tara: Spania
  • ASTRIUM GmbH; Tip institutie: Intreprindere mare | Tara: Germania
  • ASTRIUM S.A.S. Tip institutie: Intreprindere mare | Tara: Franta
  • SOCIETE DES LIEGES HPK Tip institutie: Intreprindere mica/mijlocie | Tara: Franta
  • EUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUER LUFT - UND RAUMFAHRT EV (DLR) Tip institutie: C&D | Tara: Germania
  • HPS-HIGH PERFORMANCE STRUCTURES, GESTÃO E ENGENHARIA, LDA Tip institutie: Intreprindere mica/mijlocie |Tara: Portugalia
  • CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS-ICMCB) Tip institutie: universitate | Tara: Franta
  • UNIVERSITAET STUTTGART (USTUTT) Tip institutie: universitate | Tara: Germania

Responsabil din partea partenerului roman:




Proiectul European "Mitigation Drought in Vulnerable Area of the Mures Basin" (MIDMURES) (Reducerea secetei in zonele vulnerabile din Bazinul Mures) - nr. 07.0316/2010/582303/SUB/D1

Organizatiile partenere in proiect:

  • Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie - METEO - CO
  • Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Pedologie, Agrochimie si Protectia Mediului - ICPA - P1
  • Institutul National de Hidrologie si Gospodarirea Apelor - INHGA - P2
  • Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare Aerospatiala "Elie Carafoli" - INCAS - P3

Scopul Acordului ferm de colaborare este realizarea obiectivelor stabilite de catre partenerii implicati in cadrul proiectului "MIDMURES", in termenii si conditiile stipulate in cadrul acordului de Grant nr. 07.0316/2010/582303/SUB/D1 aprobat de Comisia Europeana Departamentul de Mediu intrat in vigoare in data de 27/12/2010.

Responsabil Proiect INCAS: Ing. Ion NILA


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Proiect: CEARES - Central European Aeronautical RESearch initiative Contract: ACS7-GA-2008-213280

Responsabil Proiect INCAS: Dr. ing. Catalin NAE
Conducator proiect: SLOT CONSULTING LTD, BUDAPEST, Hungary


Coordination and support action

The European Community (the "Community"), represented by the Commission of the European
Communities (the "Commission"),
of the one part,
and SLOT CONSULTING LTD, established in Nagyszolos U12, BUDAPEST, 1185, Hungary represented by Helen Guraly, General Manager or her authorised representative, the beneficiary acting as "coordinator" of the consortium (the "coordinator"), ("beneficiary no. 1"),
of the other part
HAVE AGREED to the following terms and conditions including those in the following annexes, which form an integral part of this grant agreement (the "grant agreement").
1. The coordinator shall endeavour to ensure that each legal entity identified below accedes to this grant agreement as a beneficiary, assuming the rights and obligations established by the grant agreement with effect from the date on which the grant agreement enters into force, by signing Form A in three originals, countersigned by the coordinator.
  • EUROCONTROL - EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR THE SAFETY OF AIR NAVIGATION, established in Rue de la Fusée 96, BRUXELLES, 1130, Belgium represented by David McMillan, director general or his authorised representative ("beneficiary no. 2"),
  • ZILINSKA UNIVERZITA V ZILINE, established in Univerzitna 8215/1, ZILINA, 01026, Slovakia represented by Ján Bujnák, rector or his authorised representative ("beneficiary no. 3"),
  • INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARI AEROSPATIALE "ELIE CARAFOLI", established in Bd Iuliu Maniu,220 Sector 6, BUCHAREST, 061126, Romania represented by Catalin Nae, General Manager and/or Remus Dimofte, Financial Manager or their authorized representative ("beneficiary no. 4"),
All the beneficiaries together form the consortium (the "consortium").
The duration of the project shall be 24 months from 1st April 2008 (hereinafter referred to as the "start date").


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Proiect: REStARTS - Raising European Students Awareness in Aeronautical Research Through School-Labs. Grant Agreement Number 233973 - ACS8-GA - 2009 – 233973.

Responsabil Proiect INCAS: ing. Claudia DOBRE


Coordination and support action

The European Community (the "Community"), represented by the Commission of the European

Communities (the "Commission"),

of the one part,

and VON KARMAN INSTITUTE FOR FLUID DYNAMICS, established in Chaussee de Waterloo 72, RHODE-SAINT-GENESE, 1640, Belgium represented by Jean Muylaert, Director or his authorised representative, the beneficiary acting as "coordinator" of the consortium (the "coordinator"), ("beneficiary no. 1"),

of the other part

HAVE AGREED to the following terms and conditions including those in the following annexes, which form an integral part of this grant agreement (the "grant agreement").

1. The coordinator shall endeavour to ensure that each legal entity identified below accedes to this grant agreement as a beneficiary, assuming the rights and obligations established by the grant agreement with effect from the date on which the grant agreement enters into force, by signing Form A in three originals, countersigned by the coordinator.

  • UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER, LEICESTER, United Kingdom, ("beneficiary no. 2"),
  • CENTRO ITALIANO RICERCHE AEROSPAZIALI SCPA, Capua-Caserta, Italy ("beneficiary no. 3"),
  • DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUER LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRT EV, Köln, Germany, ("beneficiary no. 4"),
  • INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARI AEROSPATIALE “Elie Carafoli” I.N.C.A.S., Bucuresti, Romania, represented by Catalin NAE, General Manager of hisr authorized representative ("beneficiary no. 5")

The duration of the project shall be 36 months from 15st March 2009 (hereinafter referred to as the "start date"). For more informations, please visit the project web-site http://www.fp7-restarts.eu/


Program: DMTI - Distributed Maintenance Training Infrastructure. SW/INSL11.022/007/0669/CC/1/090709/FAB

Responsabil Proiect INCAS: Dr. ing. Catalin NAE
Beneficiar: Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A.
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Proiectul European AeroPortal - Support for European Aeronautical SMEs. Grant Agreement: ACS7-GA-2008-20. (Proiect rezultat din fuziunea proiectelor europene SCRATCH si AEROSME.

INCAS este subcontractant al partenerului EURO-INTER..

Responsabil Proiect INCAS: Dr. ing. Mihai NEAMTU
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Proiectul European SCRATCH (2007 – 2009) - Services for SMES in CollaboRative Aeronautical TeChnical researcH.  FP-7  AAT – 2007 – RTD – 1, AAT.2007.7.5  Simulating participation of SME.

Responsabil Proiect INCAS: Dr. ing. Mihai NEAMTU

Last Updated on Thursday, 05 February 2015 10:06  

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